
Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us. 

-1 Thessalonians 2:8

  • Tim Gioia


    Tim and his wife Sarah are both lifelong Chicagoans. They arrived at CF in 2015. Tim received his undergraduate degree from Trinity International University, where he majored in Biblical Studies and minored in English Literature. He received his Master of Arts in Christian Studies degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and Sarah enjoy playing and watching sports, listening to music, and finding new places to eat burgers. Tim and Sarah have two children, Benjamin and Sophia.

    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. -Psalm 19:14


  • Dave Rico


    Dave and his family have been at CF since 1992. You can catch Dave driving through the city all year long on his motorcycle. He enjoys watching the Cubs and is a big Bears fan as well. 

    "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" -Psalm 46:10


  • Wayne Giacalone


    Wayne and his wife Amy have been attending CF since 2007. Wayne loves the gospel of John especially the last verse which he describes as "a doozy." He reads a lot of Marilynne Robinson and Christian Wiman so if you do too he'd love to talk about that. He's a Sox fan but his wife loves him anyway.

    *Wayne is currently on a temporary sabbatical. If you need to reach him you can contact our office HERE

  • Daniel Rico

    Elder/Worship Lead

    Daniel has been attending CF since he was a child. He enjoys Chicago sports, working with his hands, and spending quality time with his wife and daughters. Daniel has a talent for creating and building. 


  • Amy Giacalone

    Ministry Coordinator

    Amy has been attending CF since 2007 and came on staff in 2012. She leads Bible studies, and women's retreats, and coordinates our ministries and events. She does a great deal to keep the CF train on the tracks! She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago, so she also writes reflections and devotions for CF on occasion. She is married to Wayne and is the mom of a 3 wonderful boys, two of whom are twins. If you are wondering, yes, she drinks a lot of coffee to keep up with them.


  • Monika Tatlock

    Hospitality Lead

    Monika joined CF in 2009, shortly after she moved to Chicago from Germany. As a fun fact, CF was founded by Germans back in the day, but what really drew her to CF was its warm and welcoming community and beliefs. She currently works as a nurse, but when she's not at work, she enjoys reading, hiking and going on long walks with her dogs, and spending quality time with her husband, family, and friends.


  • Leslie Rico

    Grace Place Lead

    Leslie has been attending CF since she knew she was going to marry Daniel Rico in 2016. Since then they have had three children and stay busy with house projects on their 100 year old Chicago bungalow. She has a passion for seeing little hearts grow in their love for Christ which is why she is committed to serving the children of CF as well as discipling her own. On the side of Motherhood she is an artist and licensed art therapist and works mostly with the "young at heart" population of older adults in community settings and senior living communities. She loves to visit libraries and read children's books with her children, and dreams of someday being a children's book illustrator. 

    Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 

    -Matthew 19:14