Prayer Requests

We value and love prayer at CF and want to pray for you! Feel free to leave as much information as you feel comfortable. If you'd like a leader to contact you to follow up with you, we would be happy to do that as well. 

Prayer Requests

Below are requests submitted to our church. We encourage you to take time and pray for these things and when you are done, click the prayer hands, that will notify the person who left the request to tell them that they have been prayed for. 


Please pray for a deliverance healing of my incurable sickness, which I have been suffering for decades. It also hinders me from getting married. Thank You


Please continue prayer for Alice Thun as she is being treated to stop the possible spread of cancer and there dog pulled her down resulting in a fracture to her shoulder. Thank you again for your prayers.


We have a Spiritual Camp at 08.09.2024. There comes Alcoholics and Drug addicts. That Jesus saves them and that them comes free.


Hello, please pass this along to any elders or prayer warriors who would be blessed to pray fervently for this request. Please pray for God's Justice for me. Pray God give me faith for complete healing and that God come quickly (as in Luke 18:7-8) - that God dry up the blood (I'm like the woman with the issue of blood in the bible) and that God shut the door on this sickness. Pray for the good and Godly husband God wants for me and the home God wants for us. Pray for the restoration of the desire God wants for me, for reconciliation with God, and for the love and intimacy God wants for me in covenantal marriage relationship. Pray for abundant redeeming grace and mercy in Jesus name. Pray every mountain move, every stronghold break and every prison wall be torn down. Pray God end my suffering and grant me the justice He wants for me in Jesus name. Please also pray for my aunt Martha, asking for faith from God for her salvation. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work mightily this week in all things surrounding her salvation and her visit with us. I don't think she knows Jesus. Pray against a spirit of offense, pray strongholds be torn down, pray for open ears, eyes, hearts and minds to the gospel and Truth of God. Pray for the gift of faith to believe in Jesus and that God grant her his wisdom and understanding. Pray no weapon formed would prosper and that God mightily pour out his holy spirit on me, my mom and the rest of my family who believe in Jesus and empower us to bless and minister to her as He would in her current spiritual state.


I’m mentally challenged. I want to use my brain but I can’t. I’m battling with mental illness. It’s really hard for me to think straight. Pray God fix my brain for me. Pray God to restore me mentally.